Our new project FACT : Fight and Act for Climate Teens is already working! During the summer teacher founders Joëlle Hoel from College Jean Moulin, France and Josefa Martín have agreed a new eTwinning all year round collaborative project. Students have been creating their avatars and working on the first set of activities. This year our project focus on developing students' awarenes on the climate crisis, they will collaborate in activities such as reading news about causes and consecuences for climate crisis and sharing their opinion on Twinboards, working on the main science issues and learning vocabulary to create a multilingüa dictionary, recording interviews and launching social site campaign to involve family members, analize environmental problems related and debating, lots of things to do.
Diseñado y publicado por la Coordinadoa Bilingüe Josefina Martín para información de la comunidad educativa de IES Benalmádena.